Sept. 25, 2017

151 - The Most Powerful Tactic for Growing Your Creative Career (Marketing Series Pt 2)

151 - The Most Powerful Tactic for Growing Your Creative Career (Marketing Series Pt 2)

These days, most creatives market their work with what we call ‘personal projects’, but often our personal projects don’t get the results we want. If your marketing efforts feel like playing the game Operation with giant BBQ grill tongs instead of precise effective tweezers, you have to listen to this episode. NOTHING has changed my career like understanding and properly utilizing content marketing. In this episode we will learn how to apply the principles of effective content marketing to our creative passion projects.

Thanks to Yoni Wolf and the band WHY? for our theme music.

Thanks to my man Nate Utesch and his band Metavari for all the other tunes!

Thanks to Alex Sugg for editing and the podcast!

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