March 26, 2019

224 - How to Get Into Your Flow State (PT 3 of Call the Midwife Series)

224 - How to Get Into Your Flow State (PT 3 of Call the Midwife Series)

Business planning is the easy part, now here comes the hard part: actually making the work! But it's supposed to be the fun part. How did we forget this? When you try to make creativity your work it can kind of feel like trying to force yourself to have fun. Nothing is less fun than TRYING to have fun. Fun is something that just happens... or does it?! Your best creative work will come from that joyous flow state of play and it's hard to find it under the weight of trying to also earn a paycheck. Is it really possible to be both be great at strategic business AND creative play? I'll be honest, it hasn't always been easy for me, but over the years I've found tricks and hacks that help me find my best creative state, under the pressure of big payoffs or tight deadlines! In this episode you will learn: - how to get your brain in it's most creative state - why and how to get your idea OUT NOW - the tactic that has unlocked my best work as of late! This the CALL THE MIDWIFE... DR. PIZZA SERIES FINALE!!!


DEEP WORK by Cal Newport

John Cleese on Creativity

Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

Christoph Niemann Tweet on Effort

Death Alan Watts

Christoph Niemann 99u Talk

Steven Kotler - How to Get into the Flow State



Creative Works Skill Camp

PROMO CODE: CPT50 for $50 off



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Thanks to Yoni Wolf and the band WHY? for our theme music.

Thanks to Alex Sugg for editing and the podcast!

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