Aug. 24, 2022

378 - No Time? A Powerful Technique for Doing Less but Producing More

378 - No Time? A Powerful Technique for Doing Less but Producing More

This episode is for you if:
1. Feel overwhelmed by all the creative work you have to produce and post to “stay relevant”
2. Feel like you’re always rushing with not enough time to come up with anything good or beyond surface level
3. The general state of social media, media companies and creative jobs is depressing or stressing you out!

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Human Rhythms Series: Part Two

The Business of Graphic Design: Protect & Perfect Your Passion - Aaron Draplin's Skillshare Class

Invisible Things on Instagram

Introducing the Sawdust Principle: How to Use your Business Byproducts to Create new Growth Opportunities by Pete Sena



Employ the sawdust principle.

Write out the main piece of your creative practice, and identify what seems like waste. What is your sawdust? What can you make from that?




There’s nothing better than getting better. Accomplishing growth is extremely satisfying, and online classes from Skillshare make it possible. Learn about illustration, design, photography, productivity, and marketing. With Skillshare’s short classes, you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold. So explore your creativity at where our listeners get a free trial of Premium Membership.

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