
May 14, 2019

231 - The Power of Finding Your People with Jessica Hische

Jessica Hische RETURNS!!! There are few people who had a bigger impact on my creative career than Jessica Hische and I am SO THRILLED to have her back on the show. Jessica's approach to her side projects and creative career deeply influenced my biggest breakthroughs and I am SO THRILLED to have he…

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May 7, 2019

230 - The Number 1 Most Essential Tactic I Used to Build My Creative …

Don't you just love that moment the trailer drops for a sequel you've been dying to see? That huge secret drop moment is so sexy we all fantasize about replicating this moment in our own creative work. But the problem is if no one cared about your 'first film' no one's gonna be stoked about your …

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May 7, 2019

230 - The Number 1 Most Essential Tactic I Used to Build My Creative…

Don't you just love that moment the trailer drops for a sequel you've been dying to see? That huge secret drop moment is so sexy we all fantasize about replicating this moment in our own creative work. But the problem is if no one cared about your 'first film' no one's gonna be stoked about your …

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April 30, 2019

229 - The 6 Step Process to Unlock Powerful Creative Business Momentum

What makes a good musician, writer or illustrator? We’re told that it’s practice. Put in the time and you’ll become a master. But how many technically-masterful creative hometown heroes do you know that never even got close to making it? Yes. They can shred the guitar like Hendrix. They can draw …

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April 30, 2019

229 - The 6 Step Process to Unlock Powerful Creative Business Momentum

What makes a good musician, writer or illustrator? We’re told that it’s practice. Put in the time and you’ll become a master. But how many technically-masterful creative hometown heroes do you know that never even got close to making it? Yes. They can shred the guitar like Hendrix. They can draw …

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April 23, 2019

228 - James Victore Gives Me A Pep Talk

It's time for Creative Pep Talk's cowboy uncle James Victore to come give you and me a pep talk! If you're looking for some fresh determination, newfound inner strength and to embolden your self confidence, look no further! In this episode James shares wisdom from his new book Feck Perfuction: Da…

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April 23, 2019

228 - James Victore Gives Me A Pep Talk

It's time for Creative Pep Talk's cowboy uncle James Victore to come give you and me a pep talk! If you're looking for some fresh determination, newfound inner strength and to embolden your self confidence, look no further! In this episode James shares wisdom from his new book Feck Perfuction: Da…

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April 17, 2019

227 - You'll Never Make Your Best Work While Believing This Lie

The mindset you approach your creative work with determines so much of the outcome, so it's super important that you have a healthy approach to your creativity. Hollywood hasn't helped much on this front. There are hundreds of movies that perpetuate unhelpful creative stereotypes. In this episode…

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April 17, 2019

227 - You'll Never Make Your Best Work While Believing This Lie

The mindset you approach your creative work with determines so much of the outcome, so it's super important that you have a healthy approach to your creativity. Hollywood hasn't helped much on this front. There are hundreds of movies that perpetuate unhelpful creative stereotypes. In this episode…

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April 9, 2019

226 - Beating Over Analysis, Leap into Full Time, Harsh Critics, Self…

It is one of our fan favorite Ask Dr. Pizza Episodes!! In this episode my studio mate Chris Graham asks me questions you sent in to the show. We cover a range of topics including: - When to Quit Your Job and Go Full Time - How to not fall into over analysis - Why your mental health might be in a …

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April 9, 2019

226 - Beating Over Analysis, Leap into Full Time, Harsh Critics, Self…

It is one of our fan favorite Ask Dr. Pizza Episodes!! In this episode my studio mate Chris Graham asks me questions you sent in to the show. We cover a range of topics including: - When to Quit Your Job and Go Full Time - How to not fall into over analysis - Why your mental health might be in a …

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April 2, 2019

225 - Resonance Breadcrumbs, Finding Your People & Courage to Let Go …

Today we have a SUPER SPECIAL GUEST! Morgan Harper Nichols!! There's not many creatives who are a better fit for our show than MHN! Morgan's work has deep heart and it resonates deeply with her audience. Morgan's work is a gift to her audience and she shows up daily to provide value and love to h…

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April 2, 2019

225 - Resonance Breadcrumbs, Finding Your People & Courage to Let Go …

225 - Resonance Breadcrumbs, Finding Your People & Courage to Let Go w/ Morgan Harper Nichols Today we have a SUPER SPECIAL GUEST! Morgan Harper Nichols!! There's not many creatives who are a better fit for our show than MHN! Morgan's work has deep heart and it resonates deeply with her audience…

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March 26, 2019

224 - How to Get Into Your Flow State (PT 3 of Call the Midwife Serie…

Business planning is the easy part, now here comes the hard part: actually making the work! But it's supposed to be the fun part. How did we forget this? When you try to make creativity your work it can kind of feel like trying to force yourself to have fun. Nothing is less fun than TRYING to have…

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March 26, 2019

224 - How to Get Into Your Flow State (PT 3 of Call the Midwife Serie…

Business planning is the easy part, now here comes the hard part: actually making the work! But it's supposed to be the fun part. How did we forget this? When you try to make creativity your work it can kind of feel like trying to force yourself to have fun. Nothing is less fun than TRYING to have…

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March 19, 2019

223 - The Strategy I Used to Crush My 2018 Goal in 12 Weeks (Call the…

For years my goal setting strategy was less like a business tactic and more like a time capsule. I'd write my goals on my phone and then forget about them until a year later when I was making new ones. Upon seeing the previous years goals my reaction was "Oh yeah, I forgot I even wanted to do that…

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March 19, 2019

223 - The Strategy I Used to Crush My 2018 Goal in 12 Weeks (Call the…

For years my goal setting strategy was less like a business tactic and more like a time capsule. I'd write my goals on my phone and then forget about them until a year later when I was making new ones. Upon seeing the previous years goals my reaction was "Oh yeah, I forgot I even wanted to do that…

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March 12, 2019

222 - How to GET SUPER PUMPED by Unearthing Your True Desire (Call th…

Does your story feel stuck? If you're feeling stuck it may be because you quit letting yourself dream. It may be because you're not really sure what your dream even is. Stories only start because the main character wants something. It moves the plot forward, it calls the hero to action, it push…

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March 12, 2019

222 - How to GET SUPER PUMPED by Unearthing Your True Desire (Call th…

Does your story feel stuck? If you're feeling stuck it may be because you quit letting yourself dream. It may be because you're not really sure what your dream even is. Stories only start because the main character wants something. It moves the plot forward, it calls the hero to action, it push…

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March 5, 2019

221 - How Personal Life Experience Leads to Deeply Authentic Work w/ …

PART 2 of my conversation with my friend Suzy Ultman! THIS IS THE PART WHERE we go DEEP into Suzy's life story as she graciously shares her experiences with having a sibling with terminal cancer, moving through a divorce and finding a self worth fighting for. We also talk about how these formative…

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March 5, 2019

221 - How Personal Life Experience Leads to Deeply Authentic Work w/ …

PART 2 of my conversation with my friend Suzy Ultman! THIS IS THE PART WHERE we go DEEP into Suzy's life story as she graciously shares her experiences with having a sibling with terminal cancer, moving through a divorce and finding a self worth fighting for. We also talk about how these formative…

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Feb. 26, 2019

220 - 6 Tactics to Routinely Unlock Your Best Creative Self w/ Suzy U…

This two part conversation with my friend Suzy Ultman is sure to go down as one of our all time favorites in the Creative Pep Talk Podcast Hall of Fame! It's no secret that I've been stressed out as of late, and that's part of the reason I reached out to my friend Suzy to be on the show. Suzy has …

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Feb. 26, 2019

220 - 6 Tactics to Routinely Unlock Your Best Creative Self w/ Suzy U…

This two part conversation with my friend Suzy Ultman is sure to go down as one of our all time favorites in the Creative Pep Talk Podcast Hall of Fame! It's no secret that I've been stressed out as of late, and that's part of the reason I reached out to my friend Suzy to be on the show. Suzy has …

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Feb. 19, 2019

219 - The 3 Journeys to Creative Transcendence & How to Know Which Yo…

Do you feel like you haven't quite hit that level that you've been searching for in your creative career? Maybe you know you haven't quite made it where you want to go, but you're not really sure where you're stuck? In this episode, we discuss the 3 journey's every creative person much travel to…

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