
Aug. 25, 2021

330 - Keep Going or Quit? 3 Surprising Landmarks on the Path to Break…

It’s natural to think that the creative path would get easier as you get closer to breakthrough or that the signs you’re onto something would be obvious. But if you study those who have experienced a big break in finding their thing creatively, you will see the signs you’re going the right way are …

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Aug. 18, 2021

329 - 15 Surprising, Strange and Powerful Ways for Overcoming Creativ…

Do you have fear and anxiety around making creative work? If you get stuck in your head, second guessing every decision and ultimately feeling torn about what you have made, this episode is for you. It’s time to remember why creative work used to be your passion and rekindle your play and excitemen…

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Aug. 11, 2021

328 - If You Only Listen to One Episode of This Show Make It This One

I love creative people so much and I hate to see them struggle. But most of the creative people I know are in a constant state of struggle. In this episode I want to share the one thing in my creative practice that solves the biggest obstacles facing creatives. If overthinking and your inner critic…

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Aug. 4, 2021

327 - The 6 Types of Personal Projects and How to Know Which Kind to …

If you’re feeling stuck or unable to move because you don’t know which direction you should head, this episode is for you. If you don’t know how to spend you creative time right now, this episode is for you! If you’re not careful, the creative journey can become a whole lot of waiting around. This…

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July 28, 2021

326 - The Invisible Difference Between Ordinary vs Transcendent Creat…

Who’s your current favorite artist or creator right now? With them in mind, doesn’t it seem like those who truly capture our attention have something more than the run-of-the-mill creativity but instead harness some kind of mysterious creative magic? They may even be using the same instruments and …

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July 14, 2021

325 - The 3 Step Creative Journey from Forgettable to All-Time Favori…

Have you ever went looking for new art in your field to stoke your creative flame, but inadvertently squelched your fire completely when you realized just how overwhelmingly stiff the competition is these days? Being a creative can feel impossible. Even if you get past all your inner demons and ca…

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July 7, 2021

324 - The Counterintuitive Step to Finding Your Creative Secret Sauce…

How do you embody who you really are as an artist? How do you find what makes you truly different? How do you hone in and tap into that inner creative voice? In this episode of Creative Pep Talk we have the incredibly inspiring founders of Hoodzpah Design, Amy and Jen Hood. Amy and Jen are twin s…

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June 30, 2021

323 - Do Not Miss These 3 Essential Things to Help Potential Fans Fin…

If you google “build it and they will come” the second most searched term is “build it and they will come bible”. This notion is so pervasive in our culture that we’re convinced it’s BIBLICAL! The problem? Well, beside the obvious issue that this is a line from a 90s Kevin Costner flick, this idea …

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June 23, 2021

322 - How to Fine-Tune Your Thinking to See Your Best Ideas

Creative work is subjective, but that doesn’t mean there is no good or bad, it just means that you define what’s good. Often though, we forget to actually do this! This episode is a deep dive into the practice of doing just that, how to develop your definition of good. We will also explore in rea…

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June 9, 2021

321 - How to Find Your Path by Finding Which Torch to Pick Up with Ba…

This episode is so deep!! I am so inspired by the depth of Barry Lee’s art and how he puts his whole heart and soul into everything that he makes. If you’re looking for how to find your creative path and need tips on how to put more of your essence into your work, you need to dive into this episode…

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June 2, 2021

320 - 5 Steps and 27 Tools for a Super Energizing Mid Year Creative R…

If you feel like you’re slipping creatively or you’ve lost your creative spark this year, right now is a great time to reconnect with your creative path. This episode will give you a framework for tapping back into your creative intentions, give you a strategy for resparking progress in your goal…

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May 26, 2021

319 - 3 Things to Do When You’re Afraid The Times are Moving Faster T…

“Just keep going” they say, but should you keep going even when you know your pace is so slow, that by the time you get there, the thing you’re working towards will be gone? I have found myself in this situation so many times in my creative career. In times like these I have found a few tools to …

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May 19, 2021

318 - How One Artist’s Strategic Personal Project Turned into a Book …

Listen to this episode if you feel like the answers are right in front of you but you just can’t seem to put your finger on them. Today on the show we have an artist whose journey truly exemplifies so many Creative Pep Talk strategies and principles. In this episode you will hear how Stacy Michels…

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May 12, 2021

317 - Sick of Your Own Work? How to Make Work You Love Again in 5 Ste…

Do you ever look over your portfolio or back catalog of work and just feel sick of it all? Do you fear your work is irrelevant? It’s easy in times like these to rush to making new stuff that’s on trend, but in this episode I want to introduce you to a solution that is essentially the opposite of th…

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April 28, 2021

316 - How to Tap Into Your Highest Creative Self with Morgan Harper N…

Listen to this if you need to find the pulse of your creative path again. Morgan Harper Nichols is BACK! This conversation had me ON FIRE creatively while simultaneously inspiring me to the point of tears! We dive deep into the science of making creative magic, exploring and owning the parts of yo…

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April 21, 2021

315 - 6 Secret Ingredients for a Breakthrough Creative Project

Some folks think creativity is all about the ideas, and others say that ideas are a dime a dozen and what really counts is the execution. But the truth is - each layer of a creative project matters and in this episode we identify the crucial layers and how to approach them to give your creative pro…

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April 14, 2021

314 - How to Drown Out the Noise and Find Your Creative Pulse Again

Are you trying to be everywhere and feel like you’re getting nowhere? Is your creative flow overwhelmed by competing noisy thoughts? Is it getting harder for you to put yourself and your work out there? In this episode we will help you identify the distractions and reconnect with the pulse of yo…

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April 7, 2021

313 - How to Make Creative Rules When You Don't Know What You Want wi…

This was a super cathartic chat with creative powerhouse Austin Kleon. In this chat we dive into some really big questions around influences, what happens when your creative heroes disappoint you and how to find what you want to do by using the shortcut of defining what you’re against. If you don…

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March 31, 2021

312 - Do You Know Who You Are? Find Your Creative Identity Now

Most artists have a deep desire to be known, but you can’t tell the world who you are if you don’t know who you are. In this special episode we dive deep into a 5 step process for finding and finely crafting your creative identity. If you’re afraid you’re not sure who you are or you’re unsure if …

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March 24, 2021

311 - How Your Creative Journey Ripples From Personal Breakthrough wi…

TODAY ON THE SHOW WE HAVE ONE OF MY CREATIVE HEROES! Grammy award winner Rostam Batmanglij!!!! Now I bet many of you are already fans, but if you’re a fan of Haim, Frank Ocean, Carly Rae Jepson, Vampire Weekend, Charli XCX or Clairo you’ve almost certainly already enjoyed Rostam’s incredible work a…

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March 10, 2021

310 - This 4 Step Process for Finding Your Focus Unlocks Super Potent…

The worst thing about being lost is not knowing whether every step is getting you closer to being found or further away. It’s maddening! Have you ever felt this way in your creative journey? Is this dread haunting your creative process? More often than not, this is because you are lost. When you do…

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March 4, 2021

309 - 10 of My Favorite Creative Podcasts & The 10 Super Insights The…

Part 2 of our TOP 10 Podcast COUNTDOWN! Listen in and hear some of my all time favorite creative podcasts, specific episodes of theirs I love and even specific tips, tactics and mindset shifts from these episodes! These insights have been SUPERCHARGING my creativity lately. OK! HUGE NEWS!! We jus…

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March 3, 2021

308 - 10 of My Favorite Creative Podcasts & The 10 Super Insights Th…

Listen in and hear some of my all time favorite creative podcasts, specific episodes of theirs I love and even specific tips, tactics and mindset shifts from these episodes! These insights have been SUPERCHARGING my creativity lately. OK! HUGE NEWS!! We just launched our very own CREATIVE PODCAST …

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Feb. 24, 2021

307 - Feeling Unhappy With How Your Work is Performing Online? Do The…

I can’t be the only one just completely sick and tired of the internet. GOOD GOD. I mean - I am very grateful that we have this means of connecting in such disconnected times - BUT I have felt at my wit’s end trying to continue hustling online lately. If you’re feeling creatively exhausted this ep…

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