
April 10, 2024

449 - Making Authentic Work You Love Starts with This (Right Side Out 1 of 6)

Listen to this if you don't feel like you have a clear sense of who you are or how to make your work more you.

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April 3, 2024

448 - Creative Pep Talk’s 4 Essential Components to the Thriving Creative Practice

If social media, virality, short form video and other vanity metrics are throwing you off - listen to this!

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March 27, 2024

447 - Worry You're Lagging? How to Reinvent and Recapture Passion with Josh Linkner

For when you need a reinvention and need get back into the work.

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March 20, 2024

446 - How to Radically Recover When You've Lost the Fun

If your process is riddled with anxiety and pressure, this episode is for you!

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March 13, 2024

445 - A Surprising Mechanism for Finding Powerful Momentum

Unable to choose or finish a project? This episode is for you.

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March 6, 2024

444 - Unlock Your Creative Superpower with This Hidden Key

This episode is for you if you: - Can’t seem to stand out in your creative field - The competition is too steep or too crowded in your creative world - Feel like there’s a cutthroat / gossipy culture in your creative industry...

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Feb. 28, 2024

443 - Which of the 4 Inspiration Types Do You Need Now?

Today’s episode is for you if: 1 - You’re feeling desperately uninspired 2 - The stuff that used to do it for you is no longer doing the trick 3 - OR WORSE: you can’t even remember what it felt like to be inspired or be excited about making stuff.

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Feb. 21, 2024

442 - How Pain Points Can Point To New Possibilities with Amy Devers

Are you so hard on yourself that it's holding you back? If you're afraid this is true, this episode is for you. Sometimes we focus so much on what we're not that we miss out on what we are and our ability to truly make the most of our strengths. In this episode I chat with furniture designer, tv host and podcaster Amy Devers about her journey to be kinder to herself and how this has unlocked her creativity.

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Feb. 14, 2024

441 - 3 Solutions if Your Practice is Stuck in The Spinning Wheel of Death

Hastily throwing a million solutions at your broken creative practice? Maxed out, doing more than is healthy, and still feel like it's not even close to enough? One of these 3 Things is probably out of whack.

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Feb. 7, 2024

440 - For When You're Stuck in The Old Thing & The New Thing’s Scary w/ Todd Henry

When everything‘s working, it’s easy to try new things. However, when the things you’re doing all quit working, it feels really scary to try anything new. And yet, this is when trying new things is most important. And today’s episode I want to share some insight and inspiration that I got from author and Podcaster, Todd Henry recently that I think might help if you find yourself in a place like this. At the end of the episode I will leave with you the “Right Size Bite Size” exercise to help yo…

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Jan. 31, 2024

439 - How to Transform Risky Daydreams into Empowering Goals

Listen to this episode if you: Want to dig deeper and personally interpret new expressions of your daydreams into actionable steps. Are looking for ways to get excited about what you’re dreaming up. Finding where those more f...

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Jan. 24, 2024

438 - Something that's a Quick Fix to Overcome a Creative Rut + More with Meera Lee Patel

Listen to this episode if you: - Wonder how to get out of a fixed mindset - Embrace the combination of the skills that both are challenging and come naturally to you - Are learning to accept your multiple perspectives

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Jan. 17, 2024

437 - How To Start Your Year Right: The 12 Creative Essentials Checklist

Listen to this episode if you: - Don’t want to forget and leave an important project, idea, or creative lesson behind - Want to learn from past experiences to face current challenges - Need some CREATIVE PEPto Bismol for your mental indigestion and processing of the last year Episode three celebrating January Dreamuary.

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Jan. 10, 2024

436 - 3 Powerful Tools from Depth Psychology for Making Deeper Work with Lisa Marchiano, LCSW

Listen to this episode if you: - Want to learn how to develop your symbol muscles - Want to better understand how to do a reading of a dream or a story - Want to practice active imagination and exploring dream work. *Episode two celebrating January Dreamuary.*

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Jan. 3, 2024

435 - How to Dream Again When You're Tired and Unready for the New Year

Happy New Year!! This episode might be for you if: - You’re tired! - You feel the world is drastically changing and you’re not sure what to expect for the future. - You want to practice your creative daydreaming (or your night dreaming!) this year.

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Dec. 27, 2023

434 - Creative Pep Talk's 10 Rules of A Thriving Creative Practice *REPLAY*

Why do doctors and pilots both need checklists? Because even life saving information is easy to forget! That’s why in this episode we establish the ten ideas that define this show and what we think staying on track in your creative journey is all about. Every idea on this list significantly impacted my creative practice. In this episode:- Why you need to embrace a small audience- The one thing you will be lost without- A prompt for creating a new foundation for your practice- MUCH MORE this e…

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Dec. 20, 2023

433 - Tried Everything but Nothing's Working? Studies Show This Creative Tactic is Often Overlooked *REPLAY*

This episode is for you if: - You’re burnt out by everything you’re trying to keep up with - You’ve tried adding everything you can think of to your creative practice and you still can’t seem to progress any further - Your “To Do” list is 8 miles long and never ending *This episode originally aired on September 12, 2022.*

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Dec. 13, 2023

432 - Creatively Drowning? The 3 Magic Words that Helped Me

Listen to this episode if you: - Feel like to be a creator today is to be a professional emailer and other miscellaneous tasks - Find yourself often deeply distracted, deeply overwhelmed, and not knowing how best to spend your time - Want to know the difference between “having to” and “getting to”

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Dec. 6, 2023

431 - How to Get Out of Your Own Way When You Can’t Seem to Start or Finish Something

Listen to this episode if you: - Are struggling with obstacles not only outside of yourself, but inside of yourself - Want to figure out how to stop self-sabotaging your important work - Want to figure out which inner voice and perspective has your best interests in mind

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Nov. 29, 2023

430 - How To Break Free From Serving Social Media In 3 Steps

Listen to this episode if you: - Feel like social media is destroying your creative practice - Want to find ways to invest your creative energy where it matters - Want to recognize the traps of working for free and sacrificing your creative voice

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Nov. 22, 2023

429 - Insights on Juggling Multiple Art Forms Well with Melissa Villaseñor

Listen to this episode if you: - Feel overwhelmed because you like to do many different things - Want to show up for yourself even when you’re not feeling it - Follow the beat of your own drum and share your point of view

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Nov. 15, 2023

428 - The Remedy for When You’re Running in Ten Different Directions & Getting Nowhere

Listen to this episode if you: - Feel mixed up, uninspired, or overwhelmed by too many options - Are figuring out where to focus your creative energy and personal needs - Are looking for ways to boost your creative confidence

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Nov. 8, 2023

427 - Do This When Your Tried and True Method is Now Killing Your Creative Spark

Listen to this episode if you: - Feel left out in the cold and need to bring back the heat - Your comfort zone is no longer comfortable - Want to open yourself up to new ideas

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Nov. 1, 2023

426 - Mind Tricks to Move Past Your Own Mountains with Lizzy Stewart

Listen to this episode if you: - Get overwhelmed by some of your creative dreams. - Struggle with resistance to your goals. - Want to practice moving out of your comfort zone.

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