A Weekly Podcast Companion for Your Creative Journey

I LOVE this podcast!!!

I am a filmmaker who also works in the music industry and I am so glad I found this podcast. Andy is a terrific host. He’s honest and funny and passionate. There are so many Bert podcasts out there, but this is an Ernie podcast!! #ErniesUnite This is where creative souls come to figure out this weird “Bert World” and how we can be a little more Bert-y in our Ernie-ness. Okay, okay, I’ll stop with the Ernie/Bert references, but truly, I get so much out of this podcast. Andy’s genuine passion for the process of creating art and for helping & connecting with people comes through in every episode. I especially like the video he posted on the CPT YouTube channel about “burnout” as well as the episode about how to charge for our creative projects, but honestly, I love every episode. I’m a quasi-new listener so I’m going back through and listening to all episodes on iTunes and so I can’t remember which episode number that is at the moment. I have also recently listened to the original CPT soundtrack on iTunes by musician/producer, Alex Sugg. I love how Andy describes how he explained what he wanted to Alex as “a cross between The Hero’s Journey and something that would play while watching sped up footage of a seedling becoming a plant” (or something close to that!) I too am a huge fan of Joseph Campbell’s work and anything Hero’s Journey-related. I recommend this podcast to every creative person (aka “Ernie”) I know!! Well done Andy and thank you for sharing your heart with the world. It’s a beautiful heart to share!

Jan. 6, 2019 by JazzLover2010 on Apple Podcasts

A Weekly Podcast Companion for Your Creative Journey

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