I listened to the first Creative Career Path episode the other week and it has already helped me so much.
I was floored at how many things Andy said that were thoughts I had or didn't even know I was having. Every episode surprises me with something I have experienced or felt.
I have gone to a few talks, listened to podcasts, followed YouTube channels and have been inspired but also massively intimidated. I think there are a lot of creatives who give advice who might be doing it to add some clout but Andy really does care about helping people find their path; it is literally pouring out of him in these episodes!
If your looking to start your creative journey with a sincere Jedi Gandalf wizard man who likes pizza, this is your podcast.
Also, the choons are pretty dace ✨
April 8, 2018 by A Pepperoni on Apple Podcasts
A Weekly Podcast Companion for Your Creative Journey