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The podcast has received rave reviews from listeners who appreciate its motivational and inspiring content. Reviewers describe the podcast as "helpful," "inspiring," and "warm," commending its ability to provide practical advice and uplift listeners. The podcast's unique format, featuring relatable analogies and deep-dish advice, has resonated particularly well with both creative professionals and non-creative individuals seeking motivation and inspiration.
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I’m addicted to this show!
I love Andy’s authenticity and heart. I’m not even a commercial artist. I’m a Psychologist by day and an art quilter the rest of the time, and this show is motivating in so many ways, no matter what I’m doing! Please don’t stop making these episodes Andy!

This episode is beautiful!

Asome podcast
this is inspirational a great podcast defiantly recommend

If you're seeking inspiration and practical guidance for creating a thriving creative practice, look no further than Creative Pep Talk! With a blend of captivating storytelling and actionable strategies, each episode offers a treasure trove of insights for creatives of all backgrounds. Whether you're an artist, writer, designer, or entrepreneur, you'll find invaluable wisdom and motivation to fuel your creative journey!

Inspiration with action!
This is my favorite podcast, hands down. If you are on a creative journey (or want to be on one or wonder what that even means), this is for you.

Always Inspiring, especially now!
LOVE this show. I listen while I create and it occupies my mind so I don’t get too in my head and critical of my painting. This new “trek” the show is taking, beginning with episode 449 “Making Authentic Work You Love Starts With This,” is fabulous! I can’t wait to hear it all! I almost wish I had never heard your podcast so I could discover this a few months from now and binge-listen to this whole series! Thanks for all you put out there, Andy…so much POSITIVE and AUTHENTIC energy! Grateful!

super wise Pizza
Andy has a way of putting words to very intangible thoughts, feelings and ideas that speak to what makes creatives tick. He names hurdles that get in the way and gives real, authentic, sustainable, thoughtful solutions/suggestions:) Honestly, I can’t say enough about how meaningful this podcast is and he keeps getting better (imo).

Awesome Pod
Found this pod in during a low time creativity. I’ve been on and off with my project and your enthusiasm and the enthusiasm of your guests has been truly inspiring. You’ve reignited my creative flame and thank you for that. Keep it up, love from Aus 🦘

Credit your guests
Include the names and links of your guests in the show notes. Thanks

Creative Fuel
In spite of the fact that I am not a creative professional, this podcast provides creative sparks which allow me to explore my own artistic ideas. It gives me ideas to explore and permission to experiment! Thanks Andy!

Ok yayy

I’m not worthy!
This podcast has made me laugh, cry and enlightened me so much. I’m always in a better place after my pep talk. Thank you pizza!

A favorite!
Even when I’m not in a creative rut this show always gives me tidbits of advice to maximize my creativity, motivation, and inspiration! Love it!

I live literally every episode. I too am ADD and an artist that’s tried to fight being an artist most of my life because we are told from all angles that you “can’t make a living” as an artist. I e tried to be so many other things to my souls detriment. This podcast helps me pull me back on track ❤️

I love your podcast - such good stuff - the analogies are so helpful
Thanks Andy all your podcast. I got heaps of of The Six Step Process to Unlock Powerful..... And your latest one How to transform risky daydreams. I am going to try some of the techniques you have suggested. I have heard so many things but nothing like you have spoken about. Cheers - Ruth

Favorite podcast ever??
Yes! As a long time listener, when I think about how I got through my 20s, this podcast is a major reason... Such a masterful demonstration of creativity, that’s for sure, but Andy also shows us how to embrace our humanity again and again.

One of the best podcasts out there
Andy Pizza is a master at bringing clarity to what is often a jumble of thoughts in my head. His insights into the creative process are truly outstanding. And it’s not just fun to listen to (Andy is super funny), it’s actually helpful for me. One of the best podcasts out there by far.

The Inspiration Talk I Needed
I stumbled upon this podcast when I was starting school for graphic design. I am now 2 months in and even more excited to continue my personal practice. Each time I need a pep talk I sit and listen and am able to find the motivation I need to keep going. Thank you for such a beautiful and informative podcast.

Thanks for all the pep talk Andy
Thanks for choosing to post an episode every single week, I look forward to them each week. As an engineer and having ADHD, I live in consistent draw between my professional procedural self and creative personal self. You help me get going after work. Keep up the great work!

Love it! Get yourself some pep too!
I have been listening to Creative PepTalk for so long that I probably should be sending Andy and Sophie a holiday card at the end of the year. I cannot begin to thank CPT for all the pep over time. Creative work is not without some grind, or frustration, or doubt, or challenge and the podcast was always there to give me a lift when I needed it. So grateful, much appreciated, thank you, thank you, thank you Andy J Pizza!

Warm, helpful and entertaining!
I decided to try 4-5 different creativity themed podcasts and Creative Pep Talk is the one I keep coming back to! Andy is such a beautiful person, and on this podcast he is truly committed to helping creative people find their way to success. Love the calls to adventure at the end of every episode too! Xx

Helped me enormously along the journey
Andy has been there for me every week since I started listening (maybe a year and a half ago?). His energy, experience, and wisdom gets me to think differently about my art journey but also often vindicates my current feelings and questions. So many times Andy has given me the tools I need to move forward in my work. As an artist, so much of the work is internal.

Inspiring podcast
Really like this podcast! So much great info packed into each episode.

Wow! I LOVE this show so much 🤩
Listening to this podcast has been absolutely game-changing to my creative practice and path. I feel I’ve found the mentor and friend that I’ve been looking for all along. Whenever I’m feeling discouraged or lacking inspiration, turning on this show helps me find my spark again. Full of fun and really helpful guidance… I can’t recommend this show enough.

Andy serves up deep-dish advice
Andy offers spot-on, actionable insights into designing a creative life through sharing his own path, obsessions, and personal research. If you are striving to make a living as an artist (writer, illustrator, musician, painter, cartoonist, etc.), and you find yourself second-guessing yourself or thinking you should give up — I highly recommend a slice or two of creative pep from Mr. Pizza. From archetypes and myths to muppets and Modest Mouse, his entertaining monologues can seem random but are carefully organized around universal truths about the artist’s journey.

So much love
I’ve been listening to Andy’s creative pep talks for well over a year now and I have been moved by EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. I love his corny jokes, metaphors and advice so much, whatever the topic of the week, it seems to speak to what I’m going through and I feel motivated to keep pursuing my creative practice. I often feel like I may have given up without this show! Andy, I love your honesty and vulnerability, I’ve listened to you grow as a person and artist and I feel I’ve been right there with you buddy!! I just pre ordered your invisible things book. Congratulations for putting so much energy into a personal project, I hope it brings you wonderful things in return.

Creative and practical shot in the arm!
This podcast has been so helpful to me over the last few months that I don’t know where to start! I walk with it almost every day these days, and I always feel comforted and inspired. I walk away with more air in my lungs, energy to create and feeling like I am not alone on the creative journey. I am a professional writer, and the Creative Pep Talk has helped me balance the creation and commerce side of things. Tune in the get a really juicy and often practical, creative shot in the arm!

I love this show
It always makes me feel inspired and motivated, it makes me laugh, it expands my mind and changes my perspective. Thank you Andy J Pizza!

Gift of empty space!
I absolutely love this episode- appreciated your vulnerability and humor. SO great to celebrate the quiet seasons for the opportunities that can be activated when "nothing" is happening. I'm obsessed with the kind of creativity that becomes available after big change (the barron times). . . Truly appreciated your exciting framework to use in slow times -gift, tempo, one word intentions! 🙏🙏🙏🥳🎼💃🏾🎭📚🎨✍🏽 I think all of your words were in perfect order! Just wrote my first book- "Braving Creativity, Artists who Turn the Scary, Thrilling, Messy Path of Change into Courageous Transformation."

My Favorite Podcast
I love, love, love this podcast. For the longest time I only listened to 99% Invisible, but it changed over the years and I lost interest as it seemed the quality started to decline. I am also not a fan of the interview style podcasts where people just ramble on treating the podcast like an audio diary. This podcast is unique. Well thought out and a true work of art. I’m inspired every time I listen to it and have told all my designer friends about it. I may or may not have the intro song memorized and sing it to myself whenever I “need a little pep talk”