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The podcast has received rave reviews from listeners who appreciate its motivational and inspiring content. Reviewers describe the podcast as "helpful," "inspiring," and "warm," commending its ability to provide practical advice and uplift listeners. The podcast's unique format, featuring relatable analogies and deep-dish advice, has resonated particularly well with both creative professionals and non-creative individuals seeking motivation and inspiration.
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Non-creative who finds the show relatable!
I’m a self-employed non-creative and find myself relating to so many things in this podcast professionally and personally. It’s entertaining, thought provoking, well thought out and inspiring! I’ve suggested this show to many of my friends and colleagues. Thanks for putting out a great product!

Creative Pep Talk is a part of
This is the kind of show you find when you need it. When your mind and soul are in need of help to grow and expand. Creatively! The worst part of the show is that it calls itself a pep talk… huh! more like a tED talk but I’ll forgive you. Incredible! The advice is clever, well thought out and connected. I have listened to 3 episodes and so much of what I am currently interested in, exploring and going through were discussed or in line. Even mentioned Simon Weil and Philosophize this! I feel like I am on the production team and holy smokes Batman I can’t get enough. Thank you!

Truly inspiring.
An absolutely AMAZING podcast. AJ Pizza shares so many invaluable insights into the creative mind. So many pennies have dropped whilst listening to these shows. Thanks so much Andy!

Thank you
Love this podcast! Keep up the great work, it’s appreciated!

The hero’s journey and Andy J pizza
I cannot even begin to tell you how much this podcast has helped me!!! I appreciate your honesty and willingness to reveal your struggles with ADD and other things. I feel so connected to you and relate so much to the way you teach and explain things!!!! Thank you thank you thank you is all I can say! I am always waiting for the next episode to come out so I can see what you are thinking about. It NEVER fails that it’s something that is pretty close to what I’m struggling with or inspired by or better yet a new take on things that helps me see myself and the creative journey in a new light. The first time I heard you was on Art for your Ear. I have been hooked ever since. Thanks again, Andy! Happy Creating to you and your team.

2/22/23 Happy 400th!
I’m so glad that this podcast exists. Episodes just keep getting better and better. Today’s episode really resonated with me. I loved hearing Sophie’s story. I recently left a career in another field to pick up the threads of my “lost” art. It’s been wonderful. It’s been frustrating. The best of times, the worst of times. And now I know why. We expect so much from ourselves and the pressure to perform can drag us away from why we are creating art in the first place. I needed to hear this from someone who is further along down the path. Thank you Andy & Sophie!

Pizza, creativity, and great ideas?! Sign me up! 🤩
Creativity is a funny thing. It can be fun, profoundly enriching, confusingly elusive, and oh-so frustrating. I love having other creative people around to talk to and hear what they’re exploring and experiencing with their own creative adventures, and learn about how they're solving the creativity problems they're bumping into. What Andy J. Pizza explores and shares on Creative Pep Talk definitely scratches that itch. And, I mean… who doesn’t like pizza?!

Lets do this!
I’ve had artist block for literally years… I just listened to the episode about how to use a formula to create work and I got so inspired and so excited and I have been using this in other areas of my life it makes me chuckle to think why I didn’t apply this to creating art/design. Recently went back to school, taking a graphic design course and felt glum about the idea of AI taking our jobs lol. But this show really lit a fire inside and I’m ready to get at it again. Thank you so much. Can’t wait to binge the other episodes.

One of my Favorite Pod Casts
One of my favorite daily go to pod casts. The advice is solid and entertaining. Andy is so enjoyable to listen to and he has excellently crafted his advice in a very engaging way. I love his honesty and realness when he gives advice to artists.

Great Poscast
As a textile artist I was looking for a place with motivation & information. This podcast is the place for education & information for takeaways and how too’s.

The Best Advice for Creatives
I’ve been a listener now for a few years and Andy’s advice always helps pull you out of a slump—and I go through a lot of them! TMI? Anyway, the content is so eclectic, there is something for everyone, whether you need advice on how to grow followers or just figure out what project to work on next. Also, related, his courses on Skillshare are just as great. Take a listen! You won’t be disappointed.

Pep for All Kinds of Creative!
I only recently found this podcast, and it’s already been so helpful and invigorating. I’m an engineer by day, multi-passionate artist by night, and these ideas and stories help me nurture my creativity in both domains.

Forever thankful
I have been listening to this show since 2018 and I cannot express how much it’s help my art and sort my I’ve active mind. So humble, true and extremely applicable and inspiring. Thank you Andy J I feel like I’ve known you for years now, even though I have to carry you around in my podcast library like a little art fairy. Haha You’ve helped me give permission to myself to create despite my fear of aging within the art industry and you’ve allowed me to push myself in ways they are only helpful and not cruel. I hope to cross paths one day to thank you and your team for all the blessings you’ve shared through this podcast! Forever thankful. Chloe

My favourite podcast
I absolutely love this podcast. I’m a spare time writer, as I work a full time job and have a busy personal life. Andy’s podcast helps me feel part of a wider artist community. I resonate enormously with the topics of Creative Pep Talk, such as, the artist’s creative journey, overcoming hurdles in managing creative goals and our hitting creative goals in our career. I love listening to this on my way to work, to remind me to stay focused on my creative pursuits. I’d highly recommend this podcast to any creatives, artists, illustrators, writers, musicians etc.

Finding this felt like divine intervention
I was so over my creative practice just a few months ago. On on the verge of finally quitting once and for all, I stumbled across this podcast and it changed absolutely everything. For the first time in a long time I actually enjoy my work again (I almost forgot what that felt like)! I love starting my day with an episode and then sitting down with one of the “Call to Adventures” - really gets the creative juices flowing. Thanks for what you do!

I cry every episode
It’s like this guy speaks my language. I used to think I was incapable of having a successful creative practice because of my neurodiversity. But not only does he give practical and applicable advice on how to better your practice, he gives room for all the weirdly specific and spot on struggles creatives face. I thought it was just me. Now I know it’s not, and i don’t feel so isolated now. Thriving artists!

I feel understood as a creative!!!
Andy’s way of explaining things and relating them back to the most obscure references is so refreshing and hilarious. I’m so inspired by every episode, and I’ve been motivated to keep going in my creative business journey because of these episodes. Thank you for the hard, important and fun work you’re doing!

I LOVE Andy! Whenever I dip in to this show, it’s always helpful, compassionate, and has actionable advice— and moreover, I often feel like he’s somehow directly addressing some undefined problem or fear that is currently eating me. A great pep talk! <3

Andy is simply the best.
Most entertaining, helpful and funny podcast about creative careers 💗 thank you ANDY J PIZZA!!!

Already hooked.
“Not getting lost isn’t a great goal anyways- the creative process is all about exploration anyway.” I’m new to the podcast, but I’m already hooked. I can already tell that this is going to be a regular listen.

Long time listener who should have left a 5* rating a long time ago
Thanks Andy and team for this podcast, it has been a companion for the last 2.5 yrs and I would not be where I am at in my creative and artistic journey without it and your skillshare classes. Many thanks !

OMG where has this been!!!!
I just started listening 2 days ago (from most resent backwards). I just listened to Art Island! I’m addicted to this podcast! As an artist (pottery & acrylic painting) my throuple and I are 1 1/2 years in to having an small art business. My work and my wife does up-cycling, water color, etc. So, a lot of niches in one business. I had yet to find a podcast that was relevant for us and what we do. So many have just guest speakers or are for those who are production potters, extremely talented painters, etc. I never felt O could relate. Until now! I love how Andy breaks down of each topic and the point of view he gives during every episode. It’s really opened my eyes and has me going deep with my thoughts about what I do, who I am as an artist, who I want and dream to be as an artist, and what does success look like for me. Thank you Andy & the Creative Pep Talk Crew for all you do! It’s greatly appreciated!

Beyond excellent for everyone
He’s funny and entertaining, yes, but this host is also genius and relatable - the bestest combo when relaying insanely valuable and most importantly, EASILY ACTIONABLE, wisdom for creatives — which is to say, everyone. The pod title is perfect — he’s your biggest cheerleader, the coach on your sideline guiding you to big goals, the dad with the biggest heart (he’s actually a dad IRL but he kinda dads us all) — so if you ever need a li’l pep talk, need to motivate, need to regain hope on your creative path, listen in and laugh and learn, and leave ready to create and succeed with a smile. Thanks a mil Mr. Pizza!!

Gold Mine For Creatives
When I first started listening, I made a list of episodes that were worth going back to for repeat listens—but I soon realized, there was never an episode that did not meet that criteria. Every single episode on this podcast is worth listening to multiple times. Each week I listen, I feel like I’m sitting on an absolute gold mine of creative information and inspiration. This podcast is solely what inspired me to pursue a creative career selling my own artwork and I could not be happier doing so. Andy J. Pizza is truly my hero, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the work he has put into making this podcast a reality.

Just what I need, in a fun & wacky style
Andy sends tons of creative energy out and that helps me prioritize my artwork. This show is definitely one of a kind!

Compass for Creativity
Such an authentically optimistic wonderful companion for the ebbs, flows, dips and deliciousness of the creative journey!

Ok, bizarrely relatable
This is my first time hearing this podcast. Ok, I don’t know where to begin, but I want to thank this creative soul, I work through physical barriers of numbness in my arms, hands, and much more due to who knows what kind of autoimmune disorder. Needless to say, my creative journey relates to his journey. 20 plus years of struggle process, but fulfilling filthy process. Art and life are messy, art shows me a deeper meaning in life. Which propels me to just keep swimming. Ironically, a dear artist mentor who finds my projects meaningful, suggested I find inspiration to keep going. I have found relatable “gunnie” we’re down here and their up there advice in this podcast. Right on, I am riding on in my art journey. Look forward to more gracious feedback from myself. Thanks for making this podcast!

Love my Pizza
I look forward to every episode for all the insights and information with an extra slice or two of laughter! Thanks!

Jack Black in School of Rock Vibes, But Profitable and Not Salty
Love this podcast so much! Andy J PIZZZAAA is encouraging, positive, true to himself, and his art. I always feel refreshed and less competition with others in the creative industry when I give it a listen. The vibes remind me of Jack Black in School of Rock - ready to make life fun and meaningful. Except unlike Jack Black in that movie Andy is actually paying the bills with his art so like, credibility 😂

Start with Why?
Whenever someone asks me for a podcast recommendation I always ask them if they’ve listened to Creative Pep Talk. It’s fitting that the podcast with a theme song by the band Why? is the go-to listen for people trying to figure out why they’re wanting a creative career and what they can do to help them succeed. The answer lies within. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️